SOCCORSO STRADALE h24 Tel. 347 3478827

why choose us

Expert Mechanics

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect you take

Reasonable Price

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect you take

Trusted by 5000 Clients

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect you take

Fast feature Delivery

Most of the vehicles get damaged just because of maintenance neglect you take

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    Services We Provide


    Soccorso stradale 24H

    Il nostro soccorso stradale 24H non ti lascia mai.

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    Assistenza Auto Elettriche

    In panne con l'auto elettrica? C’è la nostra assistenza dedicata.

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    Abilitati Auto Elettriche

    Siamo abilitati per lavori elettrici su auto elettriche ed elettrificate

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    Servizi Carrozzeria

    Il nostro personale specializzato garantisce ogni servizio

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    Assistenza Auto Elettriche

    In panne con l'auto elettrica? C’è la nostra assistenza dedicata.

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    Riparazione Bozzi

    La tecnica PDR elimina le ammaccature sulla carrozzeria

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    Clients Love

    Our Mechanics

     Robert Alexander

    Robert Alexander

     Michel Andarson

    Michel Andarson

     Robert Alexander

    Robert Alexander

     Jhon Wick

    Jhon Wick

    Autrics was founded in 1999

    A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul also like these are main partcreated for the bliss often soul like



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